A very effective, all-round soluble feed
Vitafeed Multipurpose Feed can be used for flowers, fruit, vegetables and shrubs. Promoting strong, healthy growth throughout the garden, it contains equal proportions of three major plant foods: nitrogen, phosphate and potash.
The feed also contains trace elements and can be used at weekly intervals throughout the growing season.
Vitafeed Multipurpose Feed:
- Suitable for seedlings and young plants
- Can be used as a weekly feed, at every watering, or as a lawn fertiliser
- Applied using a watering can or hose-end dilutor
Easy to apply, Vitafeed Multipurpose Feed should be used around the base of plants as far as the leaves spread. If using as a lawn fertiliser, mix the indicated measurements and apply evenly. Re-apply at six week intervals from April to September.
Once opened, the feed can be stored indefinitely, but re-seal the pack carefully to avoid the feed absorbing moisture from the air.