The garden is your little corner of the world and with a bit of care and planning you can really turn it into something to be proud of! Use Maxicrop Plus Sequestered Iron on all your favourite shrubs and plants to stimulate a strong healthy growth. This unique double value combination of pure Seaweed Extract plus readily available Sequestered Iron will help produce dark green foliage and more intense flower colour. Simple, safe and economical to use throughout the growing season, it will correct iron deficiency and prevent yellowing of leaves, especially in acid-loving plants such as azaleas, camellias, rhododendrons and heathers.
- Corrects iron deficiency
- Aids growth in difficult soil conditions
- Prevents chlorosis
- Produces dark green foliage
- More intensive flower colour
How to use
Shake well before use Add required amount to water and stir well Apply using watering can, fine sprayer or hose-end dilutor ALL ERICACEOUS AND ACID LOVING PLANTS SUCH AS RHODODENDRONS,CAMELLIAS,AZALEAS,HEATHERS: Dilute 45 ml in 9 litres - Apply as a root drench or foliar spray, thoroughly wetting leaves, every 14 days during the growing season FRUIT, PERENNIALS, BEDDING PLANTS, SHRUBS & VEGETABLES: Dilute 45 ml in 9 litres - Apply as a root drench or foliar spray, thoroughly wetting leaves, once a month during active growth period LAWNS AND TURF: Dilute 40 ml in 4.5 litres per 10 sq.m - Apply 2-3 times per year to help prolong green colour and harden turf
Precaution of use
Reseal container after use Protect from frost Store out of direct sunlight above 0°C and below 30°C Do not spray open blooms or after fruit set as some staining of petals or fruit may occur To be used only where there is a recognised need. Do not exceed the appropriate application rates.